Getting into the Inner Circle
Try as much, being in senior leadership role means that typically you are cut off from some internal group discussions and gossip since you are considered the management person and will always take side of the management. I always felt that I had a good, strong and healthy relation with all my team members and they felt free in sharing any issues with me, but then there is always that last mile, which I was not a part off, which I realized the other day. I got included in a Whatsapp group, which had all team members of mine. Initially I felt that a new group has been started given that many people had left us in recent past and this was good and easy way to remain connected, but when welcome messages came my way, I realized that this group wasn’t that new… only I was new to it. And the reason I wasn’t added to this group earlier was that people would discuss things about the organization they felt should not be discussed in front of me, as they believed I was a...