Truth hurts

Like I talked about sharing earlier, teaching kids to talk truth and nothing but the truth is also important aspect of their growth.

But then, things can go wrong at funny places. The other day, a weekend, I had a function at office in which families were invited. This was fixed for many weeks. My kid's school, a true believer in Murphy, informed the kids on a day before that there will be parent teacher's meeting on this particular day.

Normally we don't miss any of these, but it also so happened that my wife had had an elaborate discussion (almost like a verbal duel) with almost all teachers at the school a week prior to this. To top it, this meeting was scheduled at 7.45 am on a weekend. Getting up early is part of our life daily, but we want to keep our weekends relaxed and this function at office was about at 11 am. Given all facts so far, we had decided to skip this meeting and go only to the office function.

All is well that ends well. However the next working day and the class teacher caught hold of my kid and asked "Why didn't your parents come to the meeting?" and my kid, with all the truth serum running strongly in her veins says:

"Mam, there was another function at my daddy's office. Though it was at 11 am, but my mummy said that since you will not get to sleep in the afternoon, there is no need to get up early on a weekend. And she further said that she has anyway had a discussion with all teachers last week, so no need to go for this meeting" :-(

Boy, am I glad that we have already applied for her transfer certificate and got her admitted to another school. Truth hurts!!


  1. you applied for a transfer certificate because of this incident or had applied it earlier ?

    My kid goes to school and tells every household detail to his mam, inluding my any medicine I have taken. I get to hear many stories from the teachers about my house and what all has happened from them.

  2. Fortunately not, Shalini. Had anyway decided to change the school. There is at least one other indicent i have mentioned on this blog itself and many more that already prompted us to look out.

  3. oh.. Its easier to change schools now as kids adapt fast. best of luck.


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