Happy Holi!

Yes, it is that time of the year, when you find people all around you really colorful. But in recent times, it hasn't really been happy holi, but more to run away from. The colors that people use these days and in the extended celebration, people getting violent... all this spoils the festival spirit.

I recall a few incidents from my hostel life about holi. The first year in the hostel and I got caught right outside my room and there was gulaal, there was bucket full of water and there was even a hose pipe with running water supply. I probably hadn't got so much my entire life as much as I got wet that day.

Our hostel had a fountain right at its entrance. So the next year, I went and sat in it before anyone could get me wet and somehow that killed everyone’s spirits and I was spared. It was like the fun part of forcing something on someone was suddenly taken away. Similar policy we had applied many times at our dinner tables to protect the sweet from prying hands. If you wanted to protect it, while you went away to fetch water, you just offered the sweet to the person who was eyeing it most suspiciously and you would be sure that it will be still there in your own plate, when you got back.

No major celebrations this year for us. Kid has her final exams and we don’t want to take any chances of her getting wet and falling ill. Anyway, happy holi to all of you.


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