Don't ban a community, ban the acts

More than 2 years back I had written about the ever growing problem of banning bachelors from staying, in many of Pune Societies. The problem hasn't been resolved and I am definitely surprised how come those affected by this, the bachelor community, which is pretty sizable in number, hasn't acted on this yet, when we all know that this isn't legal. 

But the good thing is that Pune Police has finally decided to do something about this on their own and address this growing menace. The bachelors probably don't make as much nuisance as this self proclaimed ban by the societies has. 

I stay in a society that fortunately didn't fall pray to this rule. We had successfully counter argued against it and today we follow a simple rule. Anyone can stay, but any tenant (bachelor or family) if found creating nuisance, which is unacceptable behavior in a public place, will be asked to leave immediately. And we have been living happily with this rule for the last 10 years at least with hardly any incident. Yes, there have been one or two, but quick action against it and things are back to normal. 

Every society can make such rules. There should be an attempt to mingle with the bachelors and be friendly with them. I am sure they would be fine with it and would be more than willing, to then, listen to our concerns as well. When I was staying as a bachelor in Bangalore, we had such good relations with our neighbors that we would occasionally help their kids with the homework and they would invite us to tea/coffee. In our current society, at one of our annual events, we had allowed people to put up stalls. The stall that sold the most that day was one selling corn pakodas, and were prepared by 2-3 bachelor boys staying in a flat. They kept on running out of stock and would then run upstairs to prepare fresh lot. I between they had to even go to the market to get fresh stock of besan. 

Today for some reason, we tend to look at bachelor tenants as an outcast community. Why? They are staying away from their homes, for some reason. Surely creating nuisance isn't the top on that list. Once in while we all indulge and we should have an open mind towards it. But then there will be few bad elements everywhere. Many families would also fall in this category. But just because they come with a family label, they are better off than bachelors? We should definitely not ban an entire community but only those that are the ones causing the trouble. 

By forcing bachelors out for such reasons, and allowing families, what's stopping from an increase in a live-in kind of relation? Things that we see in movies! Need a place to stay, but need to be a family, so let's act as one. How convenient! But then, aren't we the reason for giving blessing to such an act by individuals? 

The Pune police is finally doing its bid to stop this malpractice on behave of societies. But I do also hope that bachelors will do their part by not misbehaving and making life difficult for their own colleagues and everyone else. 


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