Being cautious is for your own good

The other day, we were at a restaurant having lunch and there was another family sitting near by, who had this cute little daughter. She must be around 4-5 yrs old. Was happily eating and once done started to generally walk around the place. 

She came and stood by our table for a min to see what we were eating, then went to roam around the restaurant and event stepped outside, all the while mingling with the staff at the place. Surprisingly, during this entire duration (of maybe about 10-15 min), the parents were busy eating and chatting and never looked up to see where their daughter was. Fortunately the staff was good and they only kept getting the girl back inside. Some were playfully chatting with her and would get too close to her (it would have made my uncomfortable had it been my daughter). 

Me and wife were talking about given the sorry state of affair these days, how could these parents be so callous with such little regard to their daughter's safety. Multiple times we felt that we should go and tell them to pay more attention. Fortunately, for us, the girl and eventually settled by her parents, as the lunch had arrived. 

The very next day, while having our morning tea, wife read a news about a mother having visited a hotel with her friend and daughter. Daughter was playing in the hotel garden, while she sat chatting with her friend inside. Later when she realized that the daughter was missing, it was too late. The little girl had been raped. At least she was alive. In such cases, children are often strangled. 

The environment is pretty bad these days. You never know what will happen. Being extra cautious will possibly help avert some such incidents.


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