ICICI FASTag - Strange behavior

Along with purchase of new cars, Govt has made it mandatory to issue FASTag sticker. The idea is to shift more and more people to use these automatic toll payment tags, then having to wait in long queues on the highways.

All that is fine, but if only things work so smoothly 😏. When a buy a new car, the dealer goes ahead and registers it with FASTag. In my case it was ICICI FASTag. While it is the vehicle registration number that should be fed in their system, but since the new car hasn't yet been to RTO for passing and registration, it hasn't got the registration number. So the dealer, instead, uses the VIN/Chassis no. It is then my (owner's) responsibility to get this updated.

So I logged into the ICICI FASTag system and logged a service request asking for vehicle number updation. For many days, nothing happened. About 2 weeks later someone from the call center called and said that I need to login again, raise a new service request, specifically for the vehicle number updation category and attach RC copy as proof. It will then be updated in the system within a week.

So, I promptly did that and waited for the update to happen. After waiting for about 2 weeks, when nothing happened, I called the call center to ask for status update. They told me a very funny thing. Raising the service request via their system has no use. I am supposed to call them after I raise the ticket, and tell them that I have done so, and now they should act on it. I was told that now that I have called them, they have taken the request and will update it within a week.

Wait for another week to see if this happens now or I will need to make yet another call and some surprise will be awaiting me!! 


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