Mhow, the Bard!

This one dates back many years...

I and few friends were out having dinner. Along with us was Mhow, our friend with great talent towards singing and guitaring. As we were enjoying the dinner, a person walks towards us and addresses Mhow

Person: "Hi, Mhow the bard !"
Mhow: "Hi!"
Person: "How are you doing?"
Mhow: "Am good. How about you?"
Person: "Am good. How are things?"
Mhow: "Good. You tell me?"
Person: "All is well... blah blah.."
Mhow: "blah.. blah.."

This cross talk went on for some more time, and the person and Mhow behaved as if they were long lost friends. Me and others on the table were silent observers with a mild smile on our face. Finally the conversation came to an end

Person: "Bye Mhow. See you again soon"
Mhow: "Bye, take care"

At this time Mhow turns to me and says "Who was he?"


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