Styles of Teaching

They say that just by knowing it all you cannot be a good teacher. Teaching requires specific skill set and good teachers are those who constantly innovate and keep modernizing their styles.

There are two styles in particular at my kid's school that I find particularly amusing.

1. Who says you should only teach in English? You could teach in Hindi, Sanskrit etc, but obviously if you are teaching languages. Surprisingly, however an English teacher for my kid, teaches in Marathi :-)

2. All unit tests for my kid actually start with oral exam and then later written papers. Oral exam, I guess is to figure out speaking abilities, body language, expression etc for the students, which is good. But they have at least one oral exam which is actually a written test :-). The teacher reads out the questions and the students all write answers and give the paper to her. What a novel way to take oral exam!!!!


  1. How can you teach English in Marathi ? Its a tough job.. in fact its like teaching two languages at the same time. Whetever the method, the child should be able to understand and grasp the language being taught. For her, it would be something like when I was learning german from a russian teacher. All the information which went in was first decoded into english than into german and viceversa ! amazing..

  2. this teaching english in marathi business is more so because the english teacher is herself not comfortable speaking english and hence switches to her own mother tongue, which is marathi


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